Science at St Wulstan's
Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
At St Wulstan’s Science is important to us because it gives the children opportunities to think innovatively about and develop a curiosity towards, the world around them. Our pupils are able to explore and engage in scientific topics that challenge their thinking and encourage curiosity. Through enquiry led approaches and practical investigations our pupils are inspired to gain knowledge whilst working scientifically. Through St Wulstan’s already creative curriculum, we are striving to develop our impact on the pupils’ science capital by ensuring that regardless of their background and prior exposure we aim to inspire all our children to see that science is ‘for them’. In increasing our influence on science capital, we hope to build a strong science legacy, raising standards of progress and attainment and developing our pupils’ natural curiosity to improve their future prospects of growing up in a world heavily defined by technological and scientific advances. Through our science teaching, we hope to engender a sense of responsibility as we develop understanding our role as custodians of God’s world for future generations.
Within our Science teaching the key principles are:
- The development of strong enquiry skills.
- The chance to investigate and solve real life issues.
- The experience of using up to date scientific resources.
- The chance to work both independently and collaboratively on tasks.
Science in the classroom
Look at some of the fantastic activities that we have been doing to help us with our science learning...