Restorative Conversations
As a school, we adopt a restorative approach to dealing with incidents of poor behaviour or choice.
All staff have the following questions on their lanyards, which support them in conversations with pupils, following an incident of poor behaviour:
- Can you tell me what happened?
- What were you thinking/ feeling at the time?
- What have you thought/ felt since it happened?
- Who has been affected by your actions? How were they affected?
- What could we do now to help make things right?
- How can we prevent this happening again in the future?
- What can I do to help you?
These questions aim to encourage children to reflect on their behaviours, and develop their own strategies for correcting problems or mending relationships that may have been damaged as a result. The adult may make notes during the discussions on a structured template, so that they can use them to support the conversation. This also ensures that adults get a detailed picture of what has happened, agreed by all parties.
For younger children or children with SEND, we use visual prompts to support these conversations. Please see below.
If you would like copies of the below, please contact the school office or your child’s class teacher: