St Wulstan's Catholic Primary School

We come to school to Love, Learn and Share in the Light of Jesus

Church Lane, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. ST5 0EF

01782 973722

PTFA information

Who Are The PTFA?
As a registered charity (reg 1175516) we do have an official committee but everyone connected to the school is already a member of PTFA St Wulstan's Catholic Primary School (PTFA), so why not get active and become involved?!
Our elected committee is made up of:
Chair: Melanie Haddon
Vice Chair: Victoria Johnson
Secretary: Shaun Morton
Treasurer: Victoria Palmer
Secretary/Promotions: Shaun Moreton
Vice Secretary: Annamarie Anslik Jones
What We Do?
The PTFA is a registered charity (reg 1175516), which raises funds to provide equipment that support the school and advance the education of the pupils. 
We hold monthly meetings and organize and host events throughout the year. You don’t have to come to each and every meeting to be involved- whatever time you are able to spare throughout the year will make a difference, be it helping at a cake sale, a school disco, or the Summer Fayre.
We are registered with the Lyme Lottery and Amazon Smile, both of which help us to raise additional funds outside of the events we organise. Further details about these additional revenue streams can be found on our Facebook page* with information about how you can sign up.
We have lots of fun working together on the events our children enjoy so much. Our events are designed to be fun, entertaining, inclusive and at the same time designed to raise funds to support the school.
Where Does The Money Go?
Over the last few years, we provided funding for:
  • A bike shelter and scooter rack
  • New reading books
  • Programmable toys for KS1
  • Coach travel to Young Voices
  • £500 per year group towards resources/ trips/ events
  • Holy Communion Celebration Party
  • Year 6 Prom
  • Jeff Rich Drumming Workshops
  • Key Strings Musical Performances
  • Pantomimes
  • Special Bibles for Upper KS2 
*Keep up-to-date with PTFA activity through our Facebook page. Click on the link or search for "PTFA St Wulstans" and click the "Like" button to make sure you don’t miss out on our updates. From our Facebook page you can also use the "Sign Up" button to join our mailing list and receive the minutes of our meetings. 

Take a look below at some of the recent events that we have organised or supported through our fundraising recently: